Rosemount Center provides early childhood services for:
(ages 0-3, including pregnant women)
Preschool children
(ages 3-5)
The Center-Based Option:
Well-trained, caring teachers staff classrooms at the Mount Pleasant location. Our multi-million dollar renovation provides excellent facilities for children to learn and to play.
The Home-Based Option:
This includes weekly in-home visits with a Home Visitor, who works with each family on child development activities and helps meet social services needs. There are socializations twice a month at the Mount Pleasant location for Home-Based families to meet and learn with other families.
Enrollment Options
Head Start (HS) & Early Head Start (EHS)
Financial assistance for families at poverty level who qualify. Center-Based options available for ages 0 – 5. Home-Based options available for ages 0-3.
DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE)
Financial assistance for low income families above poverty level who qualify for partial tuition. Center-Based option only for ages 0-5.
Center-Based option only for ages 0-5.
Pre-Kindergarten Enhancement and Expansion Program
Limited spaces based on age and eligibility. Center-Based option only for ages 3-5.
Program Times:
- Center-Based Head Start/Early Head Start, Tuition, and Pre-K Enhancement and Expansion Program service programs are from 8 AM to 4 PM. Families may apply for After Care from 4 PM to 6 PM.
- Center-Based OSSE service program is from 8 AM to 6 PM.
Program Length:
- Rosemount is a 12-month program, which starts in August and runs through August of the following year.
Initial Screening:
- All children are screened for developmental disabilities upon enrollment and all children have a developmental plan that will guide their educational activities throughout the year. Progress reports are completed every quarter.
Transferring to a different program:
- If your child is currently enrolled in the Home-Based program and you want to apply to the Center-Based program, a new application should be submitted and you should indicate your transfer in the Program Options box.
- If slots are available, Home-Based children may transfer to the Center-Based program.
View the Admissions Applications
Submission of an application means only that your child will be placed on the waiting list. It does not mean that your child has been accepted. No eligibility documentation is requested at the time of application. However, if your child is accepted through Head Start/Early Head Start, OSSE, or Pre-K Enhancement and Expansion Program, you will have to provide the Center with proof that you meet the requirements in order for your child to be enrolled. The Department of Human Services also requires that we review this documentation every year after your child is enrolled. Please make sure that you fill out the application completely. If you move and change your phone number, you need to notify us of that change, or we will not be able to reach you when your child is next on the waiting list.
To be placed on the waiting list for the Tuition program at Rosemount you must submit an application and an application fee (via check or money order) for each child you wish to enroll. The application can be found on the right-hand side of this page. You may also come in to the Center to get a paper copy from the receptionist.
No, the application fee is required for tuition-paying families only.
For further questions about HS, EHS or OSSE, please contact Ms. Sheila Madrid at (202) 265-9885 ext. 111
In order to remain on the waiting list and be considered for the Tuition program, you must submit a check or money order for the application fee.
In order to be considered for an open space, you must first submit an application and application fee to be placed on our waiting list.
Around June of each year we review our waitlist and the spaces available for the next school year (starting at the end of August). We will contact you if we have a space to offer your child.
No. Since each child will be filling a separate space in a classroom and our teachers provide individualized lesson plans and progress reports, we require an application and fee for each child.
Our tuition slots are constantly fluctuating, but we generally have more spaces available in the 3-5 year old range. After you apply, please contact the Enrollment Office in May to let us know you are still interested in enrolling your child.
We accept children as young as 6 weeks old, up to 5 years old.
Yes, once you have an approximate due date you can submit your application, and you will be entered into our waiting list. When your baby is born, please call to notify us of the child’s actual birthdate and name.
We encourage interested parents to learn more about the Center either before or after applying. Please contact the Enrollment Office for more information.
You don’t need to provide any documentation until you are offered an enrollment space.
Yes, Rosemount Center is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and is recognized as a High Quality Center by the District of Columbia Division of Early Learning in the Office of the State Superintendent of Education.
Rosemount offers a dual language (English/Spanish) program using the Creative Curriculum, one of the country’s leading scientifically-based, comprehensive curricula for programs serving children from birth to age 5. For more information, please visit the Curriculum page.
Rosemount’s full capacity at the Center is 163 children. Each classroom has two teachers, and the number of children is based on best practices for teacher to child ratios. In the Infants classrooms we have a 1:3 ratio, in the Toddler classroom a 1:4 ratio, and in the Preschool classrooms we have ratios ranging from 1:5 to 1:8.
Yes, we fill spots immediately whenever there is a vacancy.
Rosemount follows the “continuity of care” model, and strives to ensure that an infant stays with the same teacher as (s)he moves each year to the next classroom until reaching preschool age. Sometimes circumstances require us to make teacher changes, but we try to adhere to this model when possible.
Yes, Rosemount is open all year except for federal holidays, closures due to inclement weather and emergencies, several teacher development days throughout the year, and a holiday vacation in December.
Rosemount is open 8:00 AM-4:00 PM, Monday-Friday for its regular program. Children enrolled in the Aftercare program may stay until 6:00 PM.
After you submit an application, Rosemount’s Finance Manager will follow up with you regarding tuition rates. Rosemount’s tuition is competitive with other early childhood centers in the area and rates are based on the age of your child as of a specific date in time. For more information about tuition rates, please contact Rosemount’s Finance Office at 202-265-9885 ext. 121.
Tuition is due no later than the 5th of each month. Tuition payments received after the 5th will incur an additional late fee.
Yes, the full monthly rate is required in order to keep your spot.
For Tuition questions or clarification, please contact Eileen Gaffigan at (202) 265-9885 ext.121.
For Early Head Start or OSSE questions, please contact Ms. Sheila Madrid at (202) 265-9885 ext. 111